
Jan 20, 2023 5:01 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

The January 13th update to LastPass appears to be bug-ridden & has broken several things it was previously doing flawlessly on both my rigs.  Anyone else using LastPass having issues since the new version was rolled out?  There is no meaningful/useful support at LastPass - just FAQ's.

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Mar 9, 2022 3:16 AM by Discussion: OS Customization

I just installed Microsoft 365 (had no choice in the matter, neither here nor there).  Now the right-click "Change Icon" function is not working - dialog just fails to appear.  I can open IP itself but the right-click option is on the fritz, even after a reboot.

Anyone else encounter this?  Suggestions?  Uninstall/reinstall?



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No free stuff for you on this 'free' site any more - new signup numbers must be down

Jan 14, 2022 2:28 AM by Discussion: Personal Computing

There are 3 or 4 Twitter accounts that I follow via browser just for entertainment purposes.  One in particular I find particularly entertaining because his sick sense of humor is so much like mine.

For a few months now, there has appeared a popup dialog on opening of the web page of each offering the opportunity to Log In or Sign Up.  A little annoying but it always had a convenient X to dismiss the dialog & go on about surfing.

That was until today.  Now the dialog cannot be dismissed and surfing the tweets is verboten.  Sign Up or Log In, that's that.

Their product, their rules, but doesn't really make me want to Sign Up much.  Eff 'em.

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Consider carefully before you take the leap

Dec 29, 2021 3:26 AM by Discussion: Personal Computing

This was the subject of a reply of mine to Tatiora's October post on Windows 11 Updates that I think merits a separate thread.

I've been advised by my tech support company to not install Windows 11 under any circumstances.  A major reason for that is that I (and my office network) deal with protected health information and Windows 11 is not only not HIPAA compliant but opens your computer to all kinds of background third party access.  MS has decided to go the way of Facebook and make you the product which they will sell as the primary method of sustaining their business.  The 'upgrade' may be free but orders of magnitude more intrusive, mostly silently of course (the fine print applies when you click Agree).

Windows 11, per my tech, also is a major step toward forcing all your application purchases and subscriptions into the Microsoft Store, a la Apple.  They are steadily making it harder & harder to install anything from outside their controlled ecosystem.  They actually trialed this approach with a version of Windows 10 called Windows 10S.  I learned of this when we purchased a Surface which turned out to have that OS for a dedicated purpose servicing a biometric device early this year.  Initially I thought the "S" meant a version specific to the Surface but it turns out the "S" means Store, as in Microsoft Store.  Our tech had to force an install of a regular version of Windows 10 before the software for the biometric device could be installed (it obviously wasn't available on the Microsoft Store).  There were also incompatible drivers for things like our network printers & Bluetooth devices.  The latter issues are probably cleaned up a bit in Windows 11, but beware.

A good example of where this will likely lead is the recent behavior of Adobe regarding Adobe Acrobat Reader DC which is the subject of another post here.  They already have the ability to reach into your computer uninvited and steal paid-for software from you.

Enjoy the brave new world of computing and Happy New Year!

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Not to mention Unethical

Dec 18, 2021 4:35 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

I have owned Acrobat 9 for 5-6 years and have used it for .pdf document manipulation at least several times a month.  Of course, Acrobat Reader DC has been around for a while now, too, and has a function that I use almost daily - Fill & Sign.  These two applications, with different features & uses, co-existed on my rigs quite happily until about 3 weeks ago.

Upon launching Reader DC one day, I was greeted with a message that my version had been automatically 'upgraded' to the 64-bit version.  Cool!  What's not to like, right?  Doubtless some language buried in the software agreement for Adobe Updater granted my permission to do this but it happened unprompted with no option to decline and no further information about the 'upgrade' was provided or linked.

Several days later when I needed to use Acrobat 9, the context-menu link to open a .pdf with Acrobat 9 was missing.  Seemed odd.  When I went looking for Acrobat 9 I discovered that it had been silently uninstalled.  Poof.  Gone.  Paid for, but gone.

I pulled out my install disc and attempted to re-install it and was greeted with this lovely missive:

"A more functional Adobe product is already installed on your computer.  Installation will be terminated."

Well.  The main functions I used Acrobat 9 for were adding, deleting and rotating pages in multipage .pdf's.  Given the above, you will not be shocked to learn that no such functions are present in the free version of Acrobat Reader DC - not exactly 'more functional' IMHO.  Gaining access to those functions in Reader DC will only cost a minimum of $10 a month.  Such a deal.

Whether technically legal or not, uninstalling a paid-for product without explicit permission is flat out unethical.  I can't imagine a more 'Fuck you, customer' thing than this.

As they say about the CCP, Adobe is asshole.

End of rant.  FWIW.

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Even When Excluded in Config

Jun 18, 2019 10:35 PM by Discussion: OS Customization

I'm on Win10 Pro 1803.

The following issue has been present for some time, since at least WB version 10.7.4, perhaps 10.65.  A recent update to Reader DC has made the issue worse - the title bar had been missing but the menu bar & window controls had been visible making it usable if funny looking until the recent Adobe update.  Just decided to update to 10.8.0 to see if the issue would go away but it hasn't.  The issue occurs despite total exclusion (Do Not Skin) of AcroRd32.exe in the Per Application section (have had it excluded forever).

Here is the normal upper left corner of the window of Reader DC after uninstalling WB (looks same with WB installed but not running):

Here's the same section of the window once WB is running with AcroRd32.exe excluded:

The title bar and menu bar are missing.  Pressing the alt key will cause a functional menu bar to display.  The window controls are also missing since the title bar is gone.

Wondering if anyone else is seeing this and if the devs have had any reports of this.  Only other SD apps running are Start10, IP and CursorFX.

I have to use Reader DC daily so a fix would be much appreciated.  Skinning Reader DC is not essential so just having an effective exclusion would suffice.  Having to live without WB for the moment.

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Title describes it.  Settings dialogs have always had native Win borders until recent 'upgrade' to 1803.  Now they're getting skinned frames.

Others seeing this?


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Apr 1, 2018 8:26 PM by Discussion: Forum Issues

Is there a way to toggle off the sidebar on JU?  If there is, I can't find it.  If not, that's my suggestion box item for today - it's redundant, not to mention ugly & inconsistent with the forum redesign.


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MSN Throws Down?

Nov 15, 2017 9:53 PM by Discussion: Personal Computing

Perhaps it's just me.  Within the past week, has started refusing to load the home page graphic interface when it detects an ad-blocker.  Same browser, but 2 different rigs.  Access to the graphic interface is immediately restored by disabling ad-blocking, even though the site doesn't say that's the problem, just gives a generic comment about some plugin or extension 'interfering' with

Not big whup.  MSN exists only so I can study how the other half thinks, anyway.  Just thought it was interesting.

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Mar 8, 2017 7:52 PM by Discussion: Humor

This is humor, as in the morbid variety.

The last line of the linked article is just too much.  And some ejumicayshun was presumably required to be granted the opportunity to write it.

Laugh of the day for me.

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